August 3, 2014

Examining Our Practices

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Communion Service Passage: 1 John 3:4–3:8

No one who sins has seen or known God. The Apostle John’s words are sobering, and can leave us uncertain as to how we should respond to this passage. John wrote to give us confidence in Christ and to keep us from being deceived and comfortable with our own sin, not to cause us to lose heart. Satan wants us to believe that our sin is unimportant, that God is unconcerned about our disobedience, and that our knowledge is more essential than our conduct. But truly, how concerned is God about our sin? Concerned enough for His Son to leave His full glory in heaven, put on human flesh, and suffer separation and death in our place! All Christians still struggle with remaining sin, but no Christian should be found habitually walking in it. Our regular practice should be the pursuit of righteousness rather than satisfaction of our sinful cravings. How should you respond to this passage? Examine your life. Have you believed Satan’s lies? Then reject his lies and embrace the truth, confessing your sins to the Lord, and gratefully submit yourself wholly to His instruction and care.