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Excellent Wife in Training 

Meets over the summer, see calendar for details.

Excellent Wife in Training is a small group opportunity for older women to pour into younger women in the church. This class covers three areas of a wife’s life: relational, spiritual, and organizational. Discussion and questions are highly encouraged in this small group setting. This class is for ages 18 and older and meets in the summer months.  

Women's Bible Study 

Thursday Evenings | 6:30 pm

Our women are currently on break over the summer. This study will resume meeting on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall in September. Pastor Marc Wragg will be teaching a series on Biblical Counseling. Teaching audio from previous studies and this current study may be accessed here .


Women's Prayer Meeting 

Mondays | 10:00 am

Please join us each Monday morning at 10:00 am for our Women's Prayer Meeting! All women are welcome to attend and participate as we pray for our leaders, our church, those in the body, and our missionaries. 
