Main Services
We have two identical main services on Sunday mornings, two adult fellowship groups, a youth fellowship group (grades 7-12), three children's Sunday School classes, a children's church, and nursery care for children ages 0-2.
Music, prayer, and the public reading of Scripture are all an integral and regular part of Sunday worship at Saving Grace, but our primary focus in corporate worship is the edification of the saints through the expositional preaching and teaching of the Scriptures.
We are committed to verse-by-verse exposition in every pulpit of the church, from the main services and adult fellowship groups, to our Sunday morning youth mnistry.
If you are bringing children and would like to pre-register them with our Children's Ministry to make the check in process move more quickly, please fill out this form here and we will enter their info ahead of time. When you arrive, please go to our child check in station and let them know your child's name and if you preregister them, they will quickly print out their name tags and show you to their class.
Sunday Service Times
Location: 2550 Englewood Rd., Englewood, FL 34223
9:00 am- Main Service (Sanctuary), Sojourners Fellowship Group (Fellowship Hall)
(Nursery 0-2, and Children's Church ages 3-5)
10:45 am- Main Service (Sanctuary), GraceLife Fellowship Group (Fellowship Hall), and Youth Fellowship Group (Parsonage)
(Nursery 0-2, and Children's Sunday School classes: ages 3-5, 1st-3rd grade, 4th-6th grade)
6:00 pm- Evening Service (Sanctuary) *Please check calendar for service dates
(Nursery 0-2)
The 9:00 am Service streams live on our YouTube channel here.
About Fellowship Groups
Each of our fellowship groups is taught by one of our staff pastors, and our regular practice is verse-by-verse teaching through books of the Bible. Fellowship groups are also meant to be a time of interaction. The smaller and more personal setting allows us to answer questions, pray for one another, and also enjoy a time of fellowship with one another over light refreshments.
What We Are Currently Studying
Main Worship Service
9:00 am & 10:45 am | PASTOR MARC WRAGG
We are currently going through an exposition of the book of Romans during our 9 am and 10:45 am main worship services. We live broadcast video of the 9 am service on YouTube for those who are homebound.
10:45 am | NICK CAMACHO
The GraceLife Fellowship Group meets at 10:45 am in the Fellowship Hall, and is currently studying the book of 1 Thessalonians. Audio can be accessed from the Media Tab and is under 10:45 am GraceLife Fellowship Group.
9:00 am
The Sojourners Fellowship Group meets at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall, and is currently studying various Scriptures. Audio can be accessed from the media tab and is under the 9:00 am Sojourner's Fellowship Group.
10:45 am
The Youth Fellowship Group (grades 7-12, minimum age of 12), are currently studying the book of James and meet in the Youth Building each Sunday morning at 10:45 am. The audio can be accessed under the Media tab, then Youth Fellowship Group.
Our Children's Ministry presents biblical truth in a way that young minds can grasp. We use the Generations of Grace (GoG) curriculum for both our Sunday School and Children's Church classes. Rather than making the biblical characters the focus of the lessons, GoG is designed to magnify God by studying His character. In this way children can better understand who He is by studying how His redemptive plan has unfolded and how He has used men to accomplish His purposes. Learn more.