A philosophy of ministry is a summation of biblical principles that guides us as a local church. It keeps us focused on the right priorities, and informs us as to right practice. You may click here to download a PDF copy of our Philosophy of Ministry statement. We’ve provided our Philosophy of Ministry statement below to help you understand how Saving Grace Bible Church views its biblical responsibility to present every man complete in Christ by the Exaltation of God, the Exposition of the Scriptures, the Edification of the Saints, and the Evangelization of the Lost.
How do You Choose a Church?
How do you navigate the process of selecting a new church? Do you listen to a few sermons, check out the programs in the youth ministry, review the doctrinal statement, or just visit and see what the people are like? Or do you look for something in particular, like a focus on missions or evangelism, a certain type of music for worship, or an emphasis on relationships and community? Maybe you have become disenchanted with the church, and are not convinced that commitment to a particular local church is relevant to your relationship with God.
We all come with expectations of what the local church should be, and we all believe those expectations are important. But should our expectations be the priority for the church? Often with good intentions, churches try to guide and grow ministry through human means such as programs, tradition, business-like goals, popular trends and movements, or the personalities and notions of a few individuals. Unsurprisingly, this lays a weak foundation for the church. Building on human ideas instead of the timeless spiritual principles of Scripture will always lead to pragmatism, ineffectiveness, and eventual failure to fulfill God’s intended purposes for the Church.
It does not have to be this way. In His Word, God has made clear what He expects from His people, giving us sure and certain standards for building effective ministry and recognizing a church where God is clearly at work. It begins through understanding our role and God’s role in the life and growth of the church. In Matthew 16:13-20, the Lord promises, “I will build My Church”, and in John 6:35-40, Christ makes clear that He loses none that the Father gives Him. Summed up simply, Jesus Christ is the only Lord and Head of the Church. He adds to it, protects it, and as Revelation chapters two and three make clear, He actively oversees and prunes it as He sees fit. Our role is explained in Titus 1:3, 5. We are to “set in order” the local church. We are to order our structure, mission, and practices according to all of the instruction we have been given in Scripture. We are to bring our theology, our thoughts, our desires, and our wills under the clear direction of God’s Word.
Next- The Practical Value of a Biblical Philosophy of Ministry