Any good church wants to be biblical in its approach to ministry and church life, but sometimes there isn’t a clear and unified understanding of what that should look like. One action a church can take to help guide them toward biblical faithfulness and unity in all that they do is to develop what is called a “philosophy of ministry”. A philosophy of ministry is a set of foundational values that spell out “why we do what we do” as a local church. These values are drawn from clear biblical principle, and from them we find the basis for our leadership, direction for ministry and worship, and our foundation for life in the church. A sound philosophy of ministry will help to unify a church because it is greater than the will or priorities of any one person or group, or the popular but fleeting wisdom of the times. It can guide the church to sound decisions, and even help the leadership to decide which ministry opportunities should be embraced, and which ones would distract the church from its main mission.
Without a biblical philosophy of ministry, a church will have no lasting certainty about what its mission and practices should be. When the inevitable pressures and dangers come, the church is given to instability, compromise, and dissension.
The Philosophy of Ministry of Saving Grace Bible Church
What is the philosophy of ministry of Saving Grace Bible Church? Our aim is to present everyone complete in Christ through the exaltation of God, the exposition of the Scriptures, the edification of the saints, and the evangelization of the lost. These are our priorities, because we are convinced from the Scriptures that Jesus expects us to honor and pursue these commitments.
We have written this brief booklet to help you evaluate this ministry from the same perspective that Christ Himself evaluates it- which is simple faithfulness to the instructions He has given in His Word. But what do we really mean by what we say? What follows is a deeper explanation of what this philosophy of ministry looks like when it is lived out in the church. Read it, and you’ll not only understand the values we cherish, but also clearly see the direction that Saving Grace Bible Church is headed.