"Teaching children to hide God's Word in their heart."
Wednesdays 6:45pm-8:15pm
Kids4Truth is our Wednesday night program for children ages 4 - 11 years old. In K4T, children will learn foundational doctrines straight from the Bible in a fun and engaging way. It is designed to intentionally teach children biblical truth about the character of God while holding them accountable to Scripture memorization each week. Many curriculums teach how we should live and what God expects, but many fail to lay a foundation of Who God is. Kids4Truth curriculum views all of life through a God-focused paradigm – that is, "it’s all about God!" (See Romans 11:33-36.)
This program is structured around the goal of coming alongside the parents of SGBC as they seek to teach their children to know and love the Lord. It is our privilege and joy to encourage and equip children with the fundamental truths of the gospel.
If you have any questions regarding K4T, please reach out!
Sarah Masella | Kids4Truth Coordinator | Email: SarahM@sgbc.me