May 15, 2016

Revealed: Disciples Struggling with Faith

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Topic: Faith Passage: Matthew 8:23–27

All Christians struggle with their faith in some measure. We are tested by events we cannot ignore or control; and in the heat of the trial our spiritual longing to pursue Christ collides with our fleshly desire for earthly comfort and personal security. These desires war against our faith, just as when Jesus’ disciples feared imminent death in the storm. The winds howled and the waves pitched the boat wildly, and these experienced fishermen knew their boat could easily sink. They were petrified when they finally woke Jesus, and with a word He brought the elements instantaneously back to utter calm. They were so consumed with their fear of loss that they failed to exercise faith. This is often how it is with us as well. We face a difficult trial, we cry out for His help, and we hardly notice the way of escape God has made. When fear begins to control our thinking and behavior, our faith is at low ebb. In that moment we must decide; will we trust and persevere, or will we turn and run? 

other sermons in this series