May 8, 2016

Disciples Unwilling to Commit

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Topic: Unbelief Passage: Matthew 8:18–22

It’s one thing to acknowledge the greatness of Jesus Christ, but something else entirely to commit your life to Him. Far too many professing Christians embrace a cheap grace that requires little to no sacrifice, believing that any talk of good works or righteousness amounts to legalism. Christ calls all to follow and be His disciple, but all who answer must live a life of commitment and service to Him. Even the most steadfast and dedicated Christians find this walk of faith difficult. The more we grow in Christ, the more we recognize the scope and depth of our own sinfulness, and the more we see the perfection and purity of God's standards. How can we tell the true disciple from the false? False disciples are unwilling to sacrifice their security or their earthly comforts to pursue God, because they value the earthly over the spiritual. Though he may struggle, the true disciple follows His Lord no matter the cost. Faith looking for assurances is not faith at all. It is unbelief no matter what it says about Christ.

other sermons in this series