March 20, 2016

Beware of False Teachers

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 7:15–20

Jesus warned us to beware of false teachers; men and women who promise peace and prosperity, but who turn unsuspecting souls away from the truth and lead them to destruction. Certainly cult leaders like Jim Jones or David Koresh would be examples of this, but false teachers are not always so obvious. Some of them may have large churches and thousands of followers, or even best-selling books and popular television shows. They claim to proclaim the gospel of Christ, yet some never preach a message on sin, and others warp the Scriptures to encourage selfishness, greed, or even immorality, using God’s grace as a cover for evil and leaving broken lives in their wake. How can we guard ourselves against false teachers? First, look carefully at their life. False teachers are slaves of their own appetites, and they pervert the truth for their own gain. Next, study to know the Christ of the Scriptures, and then find a church whose leaders strive to teach His message, walk in His ways, and encourage you to do the same.

other sermons in this series