January 24, 2016

The Danger of Hypocritical Fasting

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 6:16–18

Religious hypocrisy is a particularly dangerous form of unbelief. The religious hypocrite is careful to create the appearance of godliness, but inwardly he refuses to repent of his sin and follow Christ. But not every instance of hypocrisy is evidence of outright hostility toward God. Genuine believers risk the danger of hypocrisy when we tire of warring against sin and begin measuring holiness by looking at those around us instead of at the perfect standard of Jesus Christ. In the midst of these temptations we stop worrying about our heart and focus instead on the external conditions of our life. How can we safeguard ourselves from hypocrisy? Labor in spiritual pursuits, remembering that God’s opinion is the only one that matters, and that He sees the secret intentions of your heart. Whatever you do, do for His approval and His glory, looking for His reward. I tell you the truth, when your works are done for the approval of men, the approval of men is all that you will receive. 

other sermons in this series