October 18, 2015

Love Your Enemies

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:43–48

It’s easy to love those who appreciate you. The true measure of your capacity to love is in how you treat those who do you harm. Christ called us to love our enemies, and to pray for those who persecute us. This begins as we exercise godly self-control and restrain the impulse to return evil for evil. But it doesn’t end there. We must show our enemies good by ministering to their needs; demonstrating care and concern for their wellbeing, and speaking so as to build them up. Why would Christ give us such a difficult command? In following God’s example of sacrificial love, we are a distinct and irrefutable witness to His nature, the power of His love to restore and transform, and the reality of our eternal reward in heaven. God lavishes His common grace upon a world that despises Him, and has set His special love on former rebels to His will, saving us and making us joint heirs with His Son. Do you want to live like Christ? Then you must learn to love like God.

other sermons in this series