September 6, 2015

The Law on Divorce

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:31–32

Divorce is a hotly contested subject in the Church. Some insist that God allows no provision for divorce or remarriage, while others believe that there are biblical exceptions. Whatever position we take, we must always be willing to examine our convictions in the clarifying light of God’s Word. Jesus corrected the aberrant interpretation of Mosaic Law that allowed men to divorce their wives for any reason whatsoever, and Paul shed additional light on marriage in his letter to the Corinthians. As we consider the whole testimony of Scripture, the truth about divorce and remarriage becomes clearer. God designed marriage to be permanent. The only legitimate basis for divorce is unbelief, as when one partner reveals an evil and unbelieving heart by abandoning the marriage covenant and actively pursues godlessness and immorality. Are you married to an unbeliever? If your spouse will faithfully remain with you, then don’t seek to be released. Are you remarried? Then repent of any unconfessed sin and enjoy your new marriage, resting in the grace and forgiveness of God. 

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