April 19, 2015

Blessed are Those Who Mourn

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:4–5:4

The world is filled with sorrows, leading many to hate or deny God, or to sink into despair and depression. What we need is a proper theology of sorrow, so that we can understand what it is, why it is, and how we must respond. Grief is a necessary consequence of sin. Yet contrary to human wisdom, it is also a great blessing because it shows us that something is wrong, and that there must be change so that we can be restored. We will all experience mourning in this world, but will our mourning be worldly or godly? Worldly sorrow is merely discontent over unmet desires, or a vain attempt to assuage our guilt by making ourselves miserable. True mourning is brokenness that comes from seeing our sin, and experiencing the agony of separation from fellowship with God. The contrite heart seeks comfort and rest in the hope and yoke of Christ, while the unbroken heart turns to bitterness and despair. Are you mourning over sin today? Then turn to God and find in Christ the forgiveness and peace your soul craves. 

other sermons in this series