Sunday Evening Service (Limited Seating - Click for Details)

Every Sunday until May 17, 2020

6:00pm – 7:30pm

SGBC Englewood Campus  View Map

We will have limited Sanctuary seating and limited Overflow Room seating. In preserving the suggested guidelines of 6 foot social distancing, we are able to fit a total of 49 familiy units (29 in the Sanctuary and 20 in the Overflow Rooms). Please only sign up for one spot for your family per week. Having both a morning service and an evening service allows us the opportunity to clean and disinfect the building between the services.

We are sending the sign up via email to those that are currently members or regular attenders of Saving Grace Bible Church. For those those who are unable to join us in person, we offer Livestream and YouTube for the service and have other opportunities during the week to connect with the body online or in person. Please see the phone app calendar or the website calendar.

For visitors that would like to attend, please email us at and we will make every effort to get you into one of the available services.

How can I be added to the sign up email list if I am a regular attender?

If you are a member/regular attender, the sign up will be sent by email Monday of each week. If you are not currently on the email list, you will need to email us at with your name and email and we will be happy to add you.