Youth Christmas Party

December 16, 2016

6:00pm – 9:00pm

Location - The Borgstrom's home

The party is for the youth (ages 12-18) and the designated leaders in youth ministry.

-We will be having pizza for dinner, which will be paid for by a surplus from last year's youth camp fund.

-We are requesting that several of the youth bring a Christmas dessert. There's probably not a need for every single attendee to bring a dessert so if dessert isn't your thing then please don't worry about it. But if you are willing and able to provide a dessert please bring one.

-Ugly Christmas sweaters/outfits are not mandatory, but encouraged :) We will vote for a winner and a prize will be awarded.

-We will do a White Elephant Gift Exchange, but we want to keep it as cheap and fun as possible. So, if you do buy something there is no need to spend more than $5-$10, though you are welcome to if you want. Used items from your home are perfectly acceptable as well. The game typically works best when there are one or two coveted gifts surrounded by a bunch of funny/gag gifts that nobody wants.