March 18, 2018

Communion: Do this in Remembrance of Me, Part 3

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Special Topic Topic: Communion Passage: 1 Corinthians 11:27–33

God is not concerned with the outward form of the ceremony, but rather with the inward heart of those who partake. What does it mean to take the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy manner? We violate the Lord’s Table when we approach while living a life that is inconsistent with the gospel, either due to being entangled in unrepentant sin, or because we are void of saving faith. That’s why Paul calls us to a sober examination of our heart, so that we may search and see if there is anything in our life that should cause us to refrain until we’ve had an opportunity to confess and repent. The Lord’s Supper is not for those who come clinging to their sin, but neither is it for those who have yet to make a public profession of faith in the waters of baptism, such as young children growing up in a Christian home. Parents, think hard on this. If they are not ready for their testimony to be examined, are they ready to partake of the elements before the Lord?   

other sermons in this series