March 27, 2016

Beware of False Professions

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Topic: Unbelief Passage: Matthew 7:21–23

Christ’s resurrection proved His victory over sin and death. From then until now the gospel has been proclaimed, offering salvation to any and all who will by faith believe upon Christ as Savior and Lord. But one day Christ will return to establish His Kingdom. The day of grace will be over, and the Day of Judgment will begin. Many who thought themselves true believers will then learn to their horror that they are strangers to Christ, never having come to genuine saving faith. In light of this, how can we rightly evaluate our own faith? False converts are unaware of their lost condition. They are familiar with Christ, can be conversant in Christian terminology and biblical doctrine, and even be diligent in the practice of religious activities, yet they are missing the simple but necessary evidences of the new birth. There is no fear of God in them, no love of holiness, and no desire to crucify the flesh and pursue righteousness. So if you call Him Savior, ask yourself: do you also love and obey Him as Lord? 

other sermons in this series