October 11, 2015

Retribution and the Law of Love

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:38–42

Jesus said not to resist an evil person, but what does this mean? Must Christians be pacifists? When harmed, our natural impulse is to retaliate, to mete out justice by repaying “with interest” the one who mistreated us. But this is vengeance, not justice. The ancient instruction “an eye for an eye” was meant to deter crime and restrain vengeance by limiting punishment so that it fit the crime. Jesus did not command passivity as a response to evil or lawlessness. He was simply teaching us how to love difficult people, even when they harm us. We are to emulate the character of our God, who demonstrates forebearance and love even as He upholds justice and righteousness. We do this by foresaking our desire for personal retribution, overlooking the hurt we’ve been caused, and demonstrating a heart of forgiveness. Has someone sinned against you? Then deal with it within the boundaries of the law, but be willing to overlook personal offenses. Vengeance, even when only meditated upon in the heart, only leads to more lawlessness.

other sermons in this series