July 5, 2015

You Are Light

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:14–5:16

Jesus Christ was the Light of the world while He walked among us, and He left His Church to reflect that light through the ages until His return. Even with our faults and weaknesses, how can we do anything other than follow the example of our Savior and God? To hide that light -or worse yet to walk in darkness- is foolishness that denies the very call of God on our lives. If you are a Christian, you have been called out of darkness so that you may walk in the light and demonstrate before the world your love of both God and neighbor. Your devotion to Christ and His righteousness will encourage and embolden those who know Him, draw the ire of those who hate Him, and be used by God to bring still others to repentance. Do you have the grace of God in your life? Have you failed to model the light and life of Your Savior? Then confess your sin, die to self, and commit to follow Christ no matter the cost. 

other sermons in this series