February 1, 2015

From Promise to Presentation of the King, Part 1

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 3:11–3:17

The time of John the Baptist was marked by anticipation. Jews were eagerly expecting the arrival of God's promised Messiah, and even in the Roman world there was a firm persuasion that a universal empire would arise under Judean leadership. That anticipation exploded as John announced the arrival of the Lord’s Christ. Jesus Christ came in fulfillment of biblical prophecy, announcing the Kingdom and warning everyone to repent, believe, and heed God’s Word. The Church has carried on that work, going out into the world to call every man to saving faith in Jesus Christ. The work of harvesting continues, but the Scriptures promise a day when Messiah will come again, completing the harvest and ushering in the final judgment. When God makes a promise, it is right for us to expect its literal fulfillment. The Bible declares that every man will one day answer to Christ. When that inevitable day comes, will He be your Savior or your Judge?  

other sermons in this series