January 4, 2015

Building a Ministry Which Abides in Christ

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Special Topic Passage: 1 John 2:28–3:3

We understand that we must live for God, but we can fail in our day-to-day pursuit of Him if we don’t know how to properly abide in Christ. Real transformation doesn’t come by half-truths or half-hearted application. We need clear direction from God’s Word, taking every thought captive and making no provision for the lusts of the flesh. If we are abiding in Christ, we will live in imminent expectation of His return, so that we can approach Him with confidence. We will walk in righteousness, demonstrating the holy desires that come with the new birth. Finally, we will live as Children of God instead of merely mimicking the behavior of the redeemed. Abiding in Christ begins with realizing the depravity of our hearts and darkness of our own sin. We did not earn nor do we deserve the love that God has bestowed on us as His children. Until we understand that, we will never truly appreciate what it means to be His child, nor take firm hold of the remedies for sin that Christ alone provides.

other sermons in this series