December 21, 2014

The Seeking of a King, Part 1

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 2:1–2:12

A major theme in Matthew’s gospel is how different people responded to Jesus Christ. Among the first in view is the Magi. They were not schooled in the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament, nor had they seen the miraculous works that Christ would later perform. They believed because they saw God at work in creation. So they sought Him, braving a long and dangerous journey, and they fell down in worship before Christ when He was in His most vulnerable and weakest state. What great faith! These men sacrificed much in the hope of seeing the Infant King. How much more should we worship and exalt Christ, having the benefit of all that He revealed of God’s glory, possessing the knowledge of His wonderful gospel in fullest measure, and knowing that by God’s grace we can have Him living in us? The affections of the Magi were clear. What does your worship say about your view of Christ?

other sermons in this series