June 29, 2014

Wait for the Lord

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Special Topic Passage: Psalm 27:1–27:14

We all must endure suffering. We may try to avoid or ignore it, but eventually we have to face the pain. How can we be faithful to the Lord in the midst of our trials? We must counsel ourselves by understanding the truth about our circumstances. Bad theology produces poor decisions, and fear and doubt keeps us from trusting God. God’s truth provides the clarity we need to rest in His grace and persevere through the trial. We must also console ourselves by pleading with God to give us what He has promised. We should acknowledge those promises, speak with Him honestly about our shortcomings, and remind ourselves that He will never fail us. Finally, we must command ourselves to believe God and walk in his ways. Are you suffering due to the consequences of sin, persecution, or the providence of God? Do you long for fresh encouragement to press on in faith? Seek wisdom by counseling yourself with the truth, seek comfort by looking for it in God and His promises, and seek to be faithful by believing God and obeying Him in all that He commands.

other sermons in this series