January 21, 2018

The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Pastor: Pastor Marc Wragg Series: Matthew Topic: Eternal Life Passage: Matthew 13:44

What do you treasure? Is it a life of achievements and prosperity, or even the comforts and joys of a loving family and close friends? The world is filled with good things that help make life both rewarding and pleasant. But for the Christian, everything must be held with an open hand. Nothing, even his own life, should be dearer to him than the Kingdom of God. In times of abundance and good health, he should remember that these common graces pale in comparison to the eternal joys that are His in Christ. And in times of loss and pain, he should comfort himself that his suffering and affliction are fleeting and light when considered in view of his future with God in His Kingdom. All too often, the earthly blessings we enjoy become snares that capture our affections and lure us to find our satisfaction in lesser things, and in time dull our appetite for the delights we were made to desire. So again, what do you treasure? Remember, where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.    

other sermons in this series